Local Clubs and Groups
Black Pear Gardening Club
Indoor meetings/illustrated talks: usually on the third Saturday of each month, between September and May, in the parish hall in Powick (WR2 4RT), Worcestershire, at 2.30 pm. Outdoor meetings: Spring/summer garden visits and trips to visit RHS gardens.
The programme and contact details are available at: https://blackpeargc.org.uk/. Affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society.
Church Bell Ringers
Local bell ringing group; practices on Tuesday evenings at St Gabriel's Church, Hanley Swan. Rings for Sunday services at local churches including, Upton upon Severn, Earls Croome, Ripple, Welland, Castlemorton as well as Hanley Castle and Hanley Swan. Contact: Sheila Andrews, 01684 310352.
Craft Club
Craft Club at Hanley Swan Village Hall
To book a place please:
email TheresaClarke@aol.com or
phone 07960 875792
Craft Group at St Mary's
A friendly group trying a range of crafts, patchwork, paper crafts, beading, silk painting. From beginners to the more experienced crafter wanting to try something new.
Meets on the first Thursday of the month 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in St Mary's Church, Hanley Castle.
Contact: Helen Owens, 01684 594021. Email: helen.owens021@btinternet.com
Crafty Castles
Craft and cookery group for children and young people meeting on the first Tuesday of the month in St Mary's Church.
Contact: Helen Owens, 01684 594021. Email: helen.owens021@btinternet.com
Contact: Ms. Jane Riley, Malvern District Commissioner : Tel: 01684 560214
Hanley & Upton Cricket Club
Peter Wright (Secretary) 07740 778754
Colts & Junior Cricket Contact: Ian Hobbs 07989 822249
Hanley Swan Football Club
Home Ground:
Hanley Swan Playing Field at the Village Hall
Graham Holmes (Secretary / Treasurer) Tel: 01684 310098 / 07747 757147
Hanley Voices
A friendly community choir with c.60 members in Hanley Castle. If you enjoy singing but are worried about reading music or having to go through an audition, we are the choir for you! Everyone is welcome to join us without audition.
Rehearsals: Wednesdays 6.15pm. - 8.00pm, Hanley Castle High School, Hanley Castle, WR8 0BL.
Hanleys Village Society
The Hanleys’ Village Society was formed in 2003 to be the focal point for the heritage of Hanley Castle and Hanley Swan. It carries out local history research, holds talks and activities related to the interests of members, arranges exhibitions and publishes a quarterly newsletter.
Further details from the Secretary, Malcom Fare : 01684 311994
Keep Fit
A fun and friendly class held in Hanley Swan Village Hall every Thursday 10 am - 11am. All are welcome. and feel free to come and give it a try - first class is free!
Contact: Val Weaver 01684 311129
Malvern Floral Art Club
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 2.00pm in Hanley Swan Village Hall. Please visit our website to view our current programme or contact us for further information. https://tcandsw.org.uk/malvern-f-a-s/
Affiliated with The National Association of Flower Arranging Societies https://www.nafas.org.uk/
Malvern and Upton Beekeepers Association
Offering a wide range of activities to interest and support beekeepers throughout the year, as well as beekeeping courses.
McClean Handbell Ringers
The McLean handbell ringers meet in term time on a Thursday afternoon 2.15 - 4 pm in Hanley Swan.
Group uses two 3-octave sets of bells and a set of hand chimes. There are currently ten in the group, but there is always room for more. Cost: £40.00 annually. For more information email Ursual Howes at uschi6627@gmail.com , or telephone 01684 311019/07838 224745.
Intermediate level: Meets in Hanley Swan Village Hall every Tuesday, 9:00 am to 11:15am. For other locations and levels, go to https://www.pilates-therapy.com/
Or phone: Julie Ladd 01684 311791
Royal British Legion
Hanley Castle & District RBL
For more information please contact the Chairman, Joe Webb, at:
Beavers (6-8 years), Cubs (8-10½ years), Scouts (10½-14 years).
For more information on joining/meetings times etc. please go to http://www.scouts.org.uk/
Scratch Choir
Sings at Easter, Harvest and Christmas services at St Mary's Church.
Rehearsals at the Three Kings Inn on the preceding Wednesdays at 7:45pm.
Email: Sue Adeney sadeneysue@gmail.com, or phone: 01684 310400.
Sing for Pleasure
A regular community sing-along (first Sunday of the month 2.30-4.00 in St Gabriel’s Church). We’re not a choir - we just enjoy singing with others., with tea and cake afterwards. There is no charge…and no age limits! All singers of whatever ability are welcome. Just. come along on the day, or contact James on 01684 310741 or Nicky on 01684 310487.
Steel Drum Classes
For adults and children. No prior musical knowledge necessary. Adult classes from 3pm - 4.15 pm and 6 pm -7.15 pm. Children’s class (aged 8-18) runs from from 4.25 pm - 5.05pm.
Adult classes are £5.00 per session and the 8-18 class is £3.75.
Contact Ursula Howes at uschi6627@gmail.com, or call 07838 224745.
Tae Kwon Do is a martial art combining hand and foot techniques for both defence and attack. An excellent way to get or keep fit. Children from age 6 and adults of any age or fitness level are welcome.
Classes run on Tuesdays at 7pm in Hanley Swan Village Hall and Fridays at 7.15pm in Malvern College Sports Centre.
Contact Paul Sparkes on 01684 311469 for further information. First few sessions free to try it out.
Walking Groups
Welland Walkers - meets Fridays 10:00 am at Welland Village Hall. Walks last 1.5 to 2.5 hours and finish by 12/12:15pm. New members are very welcome and you don't need to live in Welland to join. Contact ianhardicker@hotmail.co.uk for more information. Or just turn up on the day.
Malvern Walking Group - meets midweek and Saturdays.
Welland Junior FC
Weekly matches. Kids have the opportunity to train on Saturdays and after school weekdays dependent on which team they are in.
Welland Outdoor Gym
Every Friday at 10.30-11.30am. Led by a qualified instructor. Open to all abilities and no previous experience necessary. Sessions will move indoors in bad weather. Cost: £2.50 per session, discounted for the first 12 weeks (starting 4th October 2024).
To book a place, email: hcmalvern@freedomleisure.co.uk by 4pm the day before. Spaces are limited, so make sure to book in advance.
Women's Fellowship
All meetings held at Hanley Swan Village Small Hall unless otherwise stated. Meetings are informal and friendly. A talk by a visiting speaker is followed by tea, biscuits and chat.
New members and friends are always welcome.
Contact: Cynthia Chandler, Tel: 01684 311222
Women's Institute - Hanley Castle
Meetings on the 2nd Thursday of the month (none in August) at 7.30pm in Hanley Swan Village Hall. It's not all about being able to make a wonderful cake, or sew a neat seam but it is about fun and friendship and inspiring women. We welcome anyone who would just like to visit for an evening hopefully with a view to joining us. Call a member of the committee for any further information.
President: Frances Houghton 01684 310931, Secretary: Jaye Field 01684 310154
Women's Institute - St Gabriel's Group
Mrs Carol Hutchings
Tel: 01684 310920
Secretary: Mrs Sylvia Bayliss.
Email: sylviabailiss@btinternet.com
Click here for: Programme of events
Drop-in sessions held in Hanley Swan Village Hall every Monday, 1:30-2:30 pm. Everyone welcome. Feel free to come and give it a try - first class is free!
Contact: Val Weaver, 01684 311129