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The Hanleys Village Show

2024 Show 

This year's show is on Saturday 24th August.  Deadline for entries, 5 pm Thursday 22nd August.  


Victoria Sponge Cake Recipe (Class 60)

2024 Show Front_edited.jpg

Click here to view or download the 2024 schedule

About the show

The Village Show has been running since  August 1862, when the first Hanley Castle Horticultural and Flower Show was organised by the gentry of Hanley.  The aim was  “to encourage horticulture among the cottagers, and to stimulate them to neatness and order not only in their gardens but their households”. 


It still takes place each year in August, but it is now organised by local volunteers.   Entry is open to all amateurs living in or around the Parish.

​Our Show is independently run by volunteers and has never restricted entry to members of any society or a tight geographical area.  We don't stick rigidly to RHS and other show rules to encourage as many people as possible to take part for fun, to learn something and to keep the Show alive.  The rules we do have are to ensure consistency and fairness, and we have written guidelines for every section to help people display their work in the best possible way.  We are always struck by the amazing work on show each year; whether they win a prize or not, everyone participating shows what can be achieved given some time and a little effort.  Our show is judged by experienced judges; their standards are high but they understand the effort put into producing a good display and take account of your hard work and attention to detail. Whilst there is friendly competition between participants, this is not the be-all and end-all of our Show.  We want it to be an exhibition celebrating the talent and endeavor of participants and hopefully inspiring others to take up a craft or learn a new skill in their spare time. ​We are always looking for ways to keep events around the Show interesting and fun; the recent re-introduction of music has been popular and including market stalls links us to the monthly Cafe and Market. ​If you have suggestions on how to improve the Show or classes we could include, we'd love to hear from you. ​Hilary, Carol, Ann, Jane, Jim, Nicky, Sarah. Village Show Committee

How to Enter
How to Enter 

​​We make taking part in the show as straightforward as we possibly can.  If it's your first time entering, it's understandable to feel a bit daunted, but we are there to help so please ask if you are unsure about anything.  Whatever your level of experience, we suggest you read the following tips to plan your entries and give yourself the best chance of success.


There are specific guidelines for each section, which you can access via the menu on the left.  


Before the Show:


  • The schedule is available from June each year and changes each year so check the notes for the classes you want to enter and always ensure you keep within quantities and size limits for vegetables, flowers, floral art or photographs.  Download/open a copy of the Show Schedule and decide which classes you'd like to enter. 


  • If you are new to showing, read the schedule carefully beforehand to ensure you get the right criteria for the class.  For example,  carrots, potatoes, dahlias and roses are kinds.  Pompom or cactus are types.  ‘King Edward’ or ‘Peace Roses’ are varieties.​


  • Complete the Entry Form and add up your entry fees.  You can either complete a paper form (supplied within the schedule), or our online form (preferred).


  • Make sure you submit your entry form and fee in good time so as not to miss the deadline.  If you enter online, you will be asked to pay your fee when you come to collect your Class Entry cards.


On the day:


  • The hall opens at 8:30 am and we suggest you arrive early allowing plenty of time to display your entries.


  • Collect a Class Entry Card for each entry at the door and remember to place this face down on the table so your name isn’t showing.


  • At 10:30 am the hall will be closed for judging and will re-open at 1:30 pm, when you will be able to see if you have won a prize.


  • If you have won a prize, please collect your prize money from the side of the stage.  If you win a cup or trophy, your name will be called out for a presentation at 4 pm.


  • You will be able to remove your entries from 4.30 pm.  Please do not take anything away before the conclusion of the trophy presentations. The hall will close at 5 pm


  • Always ask if you are unsure about something. Stewards are there to help. 


Guidelines for Entering
Guidelines for Entering

For help and advice on how to enter, click here.

Show Rules
Show Rules
  1. You may enter as many classes as you wish, but a maximum of two entries per class

  2. Entry forms must be submitted by 17:00 on the Thursday before the show.  No late entries.

  3. Adult entry fees are 50p per class.  Junior entry fees (Sections 7 and 8) are 20p per class.

  4. All exhibits must be the exhibitor’s own work, except:

    • pot plants, which must have been in the exhibitor’s possession for at least three months

    • classes 41-47 and class 74 for which floral material may be purchased.  

    • eggs must be from the exhibitor’s own hens.

  5. No adult help is allowed for juniors over five years of age.

  6. If insufficient entries are received in a class, the class may be cancelled.

  7. Trophies will be presented at 16:00: exhibits may be removed only after the trophy presentation.

  8. The first prize in any class may be withheld if there are no more than three entries or at the judge’s discretion.

  9. Prizes

    1. For all sections: First - £2, Second - £1, Third – 50p.  

    2. For classes 15 and 41 only: First - £25, Second - £3, Third - £2.00

  10. In addition, a £10 voucher will be awarded in each Section 1-6 to the person with the most points in that section.

  11. Any cash prizes uncollected by 17:00 on the day of the show will be donated to charity or go towards the running of the show.

  12. Points are awarded at the judges’ discretion and their decision is final.  Any complaint should be made to a committee member before 15:00 on the day of the show.

  13. Trophies may be held by the winner for twelve months and must be returned to the committee in good, CLEAN condition at least three weeks before the show.  Any damage must be notified to the committee in time for it to be repaired for the next recipient. 

  14. The committee, while exercising reasonable care, will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to, any entry or containers connected with the Show.

Cup winners
Cup Winners

Click here to view winners from this year's show, as well as from previous years.

History of the Show
History of the Show

To read about the full history of the Show, click here.


This website is run by volunteers.  We work hard to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date, but If you spot anything that needs changing, or would like us to add anything to the site/calendar, please email as soon as possible.  




© 2025 by Hanley Parish.

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